💻 Making a .NET workshop

1 minute read

The past month or so I’ve been working on a workshop for creating .NET solutions from scratch using .NET CLI. The workshop, called “.NET-skolen” (which directly translates to “The school of .NET” and may be a bit bold as it only covers a small part of .NET!) consists of several steps guiding you through the process of creating a .NET solution from scratch, starting out with an empty folder, and ending up with a functioning application with unit and integration tests. The application is a small web API written in F# and is documented using Open API. I chose to use F# as we use it quite extensively in NRK TV, which my colleague @bjartnes loved:

Originally, the workshop was intended for internal use at NRK (and is also why it’s in Norwegian at the moment) as a part of our knowledge sharing at work. Over the course of two half-day sessions this week, I held the workshop for the first time, and the feedback I received was overwhelming. The participants seemed to really enjoy it, encouraging me making it open source.

You can check out the workshop here: https://github.com/nrkno/dotnetskolen

Edit (2021-05-02): I tweeted about making the workshop open source, and people seemed to like it. I’m currently considering translating the workshop to English, making it more universal.

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